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757 Fast Track Special Courts functional across the country

757 Fast Track Special Courts functional across the country
The courts have disposed of more than 2,14,000 cases as of December 31, 2023

New Delhi :- Pursuant to the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2018, the Central Government is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for setting up of Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs) including exclusive POCSO (e-POCSO) Courts since October, 2019 for expeditious trial and disposal of pending cases pertaining to Rape and Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in a time-bound manner.

The scheme was initially for one year, which was further extended up to March, 2023. The Union Cabinet has extended the Scheme for another three years, from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2026, at a total outlay of Rs. 1952.23 cr. including Rs. 1207.24 cr. as Central Share to be incurred from Nirbhaya Fund.

As per data submitted by various High Courts, up to December 2023, 757 FTSCs including 411 exclusive POCSO (e-POCSO) Courts are functional in 30 States/UTs across the country which have disposed of more than 2,14,000 cases. State-wise details of the number of functional Fast Track Special Courts along with the number of cases disposed of as on 31.12.2023 is placed at Annexure-I.

Setting up Fast Track Special Courts demonstrates the unwavering commitment of the Government towards women security, combating sexual and gender-based violence, reducing the backlog of pending cases related to Rape & POCSO Act, and providing expeditious access to justice for survivors of sexual crimes. With professional and experienced judges and support staff specialized in handling sensitive sexual offense cases, these courts ensure consistent and expert-guided legal proceedings offering victims of sexual offences swift resolutions in mitigating the trauma and distress, and enabling them to move forward. Fast Track Special Courts have notably adopted the approach of setting up Vulnerable Witness Deposition Centres within the courts to facilitate the victims and to make the courts into Child-friendly Courts for providing crucial support for a compassionate legal system. These courts have disposed of more than 2,14,000 cases as of December 31, 2023.

As per the information provided by the High Courts on the FTSCs dashboard, a total of 81,471 cases were newly instituted from January, 2023 to December, 2023, while 76,319 cases have been disposed of during the period, resulting in a disposal rate of 93.6%.

The State/UT-wise disposal of Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs) since the inception of the Scheme is given at Annexure-II.

A third-party evaluation of the Scheme was carried out by Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) in the year 2023 which has inter-alia recommended for continuation of the scheme. The recommendations given by IIPA, are as under:

  • IIPA strongly recommended the continuation of this scheme as its primary objective is to handle cases of sexual offences against women and children through a streamlined and expedited judicial process.
  • To expedite trials, States and High Courts must strengthen parameters, including appointing Special Judges experienced in POCSO cases, ensuring sensitization training, and appointing female public prosecutors.
  • The courtrooms need to be upgraded with modern technology, such as audio and video recording systems and LCD projectors. To be at par with the current evolving technologies, the court could enhance IT systems including electronic case filing and digitalization of court records.
  • Forensic Labs to increase and to train manpower to expedite the pending cases in courts and ensure timely submission of DNA Reports. It will not only help the skilled manpower to assist the scientist and reporting officers but moreover will help to give a fair and speedy justice.
  • Vulnerable Witness Deposition Centers (VWDCs) should be established in all districts to facilitate a better process of recording victim testimonies, thereby initiating a smoother court proceeding. The States should take initiative to conduct the trial in a way that is child-friendly, behind closed doors without disclosing the child’s identity. Further, every FTSC should have a child psychologist to assist the child with rigorous pre-trial and trial procedures




Annexures as referred to in Reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *102 for 09.02.2024


State/UT-wise number of functional FTSCs and cumulative disposal of cases

as of December, 2023



State/UT Functional Courts Cumulative Disposal since the inception of the Scheme
FTSCs including


1 Andhra Pradesh 16 16 4083
2 Assam 17 17 4979
3 Bihar 46 46 9939
4 Chandigarh 1 0 244
5 Chhattisgarh 15 11 4377
6 Delhi 16 11 1503
7 Goa 1 0 44
8 Gujarat 35 24 10295
9 Haryana 16 12 5342
10 Himachal Pradesh 6 3 1282
11 J&K 4 2 151
12 Jharkhand 22 16 5822
13 Karnataka 31 17 8897
14 Kerala 54 14 16878
15 Madhya Pradesh 67 57 23613
16 Maharashtra 19 10 16907
17 Manipur 2 0 127
18 Meghalaya 5 5 382
19 Mizoram 3 1 169
20 Nagaland 1 0 57
21 Odisha 44 23 11960
22 Puducherry 1 1 44
23 Punjab 12 3 3565
24 Rajasthan 45 30 13003
25 Tamil Nadu 14 14 6228
26 Telangana 36 0 7799
27 Tripura 3 1 349
28 Uttarakhand 4 0 1355
29 Uttar Pradesh 218 74 55021
30 West Bengal 3 3 48
TOTAL 757 411 214463


State/UT-wise Disposal of cases in FTSCs as of December, 2023



State/UT Total cases instituted since inception of the Scheme Cumulative disposal since inception of the Scheme Cumulative pendency
1 Andhra Pradesh 11314 4083 7231
2 Assam 10186 4979 5207
3 Bihar 27655 9939 17716
4 Chandigarh 447 244 203
5 Chhattisgarh 6641 4377 2264
6 Delhi 5313 1503 3810
7 Goa 200 44 156
8 Gujarat 16633 10295 6338
9 Haryana 9541 5342 4199
10 Himachal Pradesh 2116 1282 834
11 J&K 604 151 453
12 Jharkhand 10308 5822 4486
13 Karnataka 14311 8897 5414
14 Kerala 24279 16878 7401
15 Madhya Pradesh 33806 23613 10193
16 Maharashtra 21262 16907 4355
17 Manipur 221 127 94
18 Meghalaya 1443 382 1061
19 Mizoram 258 169 89
20 Nagaland 108 57 51
21 Odisha 23020 11960 11060
22 Puducherry 265 44 221
23 Punjab 5003 3565 1438
24 Rajasthan 19125 13003 6122
25 Tamil Nadu 10668 6228 4440
26 Telangana 16262 7799 8463
27 Tripura 591 349 242
28 Uttarakhand 2263 1355 908
29 Uttar Pradesh 139799 55021 84778
30 West Bengal 2996 48 2948
TOTAL 416638 214463 202175