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Special campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters organised by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education

Campaign is to minimize pendency, institutionalize swachhata, strengthen internal monitoring mechanism, train personnel in records management, and digitize physical records

New Delhi :- As part of the Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters (SCDPM), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education was able to minimize pendency of various matters during the period December 2022 to August 2023 as follows:

•           PG receipts and disposal: 95.71% Public Grievances have been disposed of (26417 out of 27600 receipts).

•           References from MPs: 75.10% references received from MPs have been disposed of (350 out of 466 receipts).

•           Parliamentary Assurance: 59.50% Parliamentary Assurances have been disposed of (47 out of 79 receipts).

•           PG appeals: 90.50% Public Grievances appeals have been disposed of (5962 out of 6588 receipts).

•           Total files weeded: 79.87% files have been weeded which were identified for weeding (6652 out of total 8329 identified).

•           Cleanliness campaign conducted on 189 Higher Educational Institutions.

The Ministry is committed to minimizing pendency and ensure Swachhata in its premises and its Higher Education Institutes. The objectives of the campaign are to minimize pendency, institutionalize swachhata, strengthen internal monitoring mechanism, train personnel in records management, digitize physical records for improved records management and to bring all ministries/departments on one single digital platform.

Several initiatives have also been taken at the Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, that houses a cluster of Ministries/Departments. To de-clutter the corridors and lift lobbies of dumped furniture and fixtures, a centralized dumpyard with enclosure has been created where such wastes is transported at periodic intervals and disposed of as per laid down procedure. This initiative has freed up corridors and lift lobbies of redundant material enabling smooth movement inside the free circulation areas and reducing fire hazards. A recycle unit has also been proposed to be set up at the premises.
