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Income Tax Department conducts search operations in Chhattisgarh

New Delhi :- Income Tax Department initiated search and seizure operations in the case of a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), his close associates and few Government officials on 31/01/2024. One of the close associates of the PEP is engaged in the business of real estate. The search operation covered more than 25 premises spread across Raipur, Surguja, Sitapur and Raigarh districts of Chhattisgarh.

During the course of the search operation, numerous incriminating documents, loose sheets and digital evidences have been found and seized. These evidences reveal the modus-operandi of tax evasion and other dubious practices adopted by these persons.  Preliminary analysis suggests that these persons have received ill-gotten money in lieu of grant of undue favours to different persons in Government related works.

Incriminating documents recovered during the search, contain details of ill-gotten money of approximately Rs.13 crore, received in cash by the said PEP, through his close associates. Further, evidences seized suggest that this ill-gotten money has been invested in real estate through the associates of the PEP.  Similarly, evidence of payment of on-money in purchase of real estate to the tune of approximately Rs. 3 crore and evidence of unaccounted cash expenditure of more than Rs. 8 crore, made by the associates of the PEP, in the real estate business have also been found. The veracity of such evidences has also been buttressed by the statements of close associates of the PEP and their employees, wherein they have admitted the above malpractices.

Further, incriminating documents related to illegal grabbing of land by the close associates of the PEP have also been found. The farmers and the affected persons whose lands have been transferred in such manner, have also admitted in their statement(s) that the said land transactions were completed under the undue influence of the PEP. Similarly, undue influence of PEP was also utilized by his associates in getting the permission for purchase of ‘Punarwas Patta’.

Issues related to mismatch in turnover vis-à-vis bank credits have also been detected from the factory premises owned by the spouse of the PEP, who is running a manufacturing concern of Hume Pipes.

The search operation has resulted in seizure of unaccounted cash and jewellery exceeding Rs. 2.50 crore.

Further investigations are in progress.
