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Rebuttal – In response to News 18 UP Uttarakhand news on 06 Dec 2023 about one of the NHIDCL projects in Uttarkashi

Uttarakhand :- 

This brief is in response to the news broadcast by News 18 Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand which is factually incorrect, biased and is not substantiated by the news channel with any photos or video of the claimed landslides disturbing or causing inconvenience to the travellers on the said road.

It is crucial for checking facts before disseminating information to avoid the spread of misinformation regarding the recent landslide incident in the Barethi area in Uttarkashi. NHIDCL would like to make people aware of proactive measures that have been taken to manage and mitigate the fragility of the affected mountain. NHIDCL brings out the following facts which have also been in in circulation on You tube for best practices adopted by the organisation: –

Barethi in Uttarakhand is a chronic landslide prone area with extremely fragmented, weathered/ fractured shear zone which caused a lot of hardship, loss of life and property on the road in the area. Our team of experts has conducted thorough assessments of the geological and environmental factors contributing to the fragility of the mountain, allowing us to tailor our solutions to address the specific vulnerabilities identified. We take the safety and stability of the natural environment seriously. Our team has been actively engaged in implementing comprehensive measures to prevent incidents of landslides and enhance the resilience of the mountainous region.

NHIDCL undertook the task of stabilising the region and protecting the road travellers in which the Barethi Landslide area was treated in two stages: –

Stage-I.     Slopes were treated and stabilized for up to 20 meters for entire length of road based on contract conditions. An additional portion of 27 meter for a 100 meters stretch was also stabilised for further precaution. However, due to large area of slopes & gradient, stones kept coming down with high velocity on the roads which necessitated stage-II treatment of the landslide prone area.

Stage-II.    A landslide protection gallery was made and small areas of Zone A, B, C & D in that stretch were added for stabilization using DT mesh + Rhomboidal mesh, rock bolts including grouting (similar to stage-I system of protection). The existing formation cutting was used for construction of landslide protection gallery. The design was proof checked through IIT Roorkee. The structure stands on 868 nos of 200 mm diameter poles of 7.5 m depth and on a pole cap of 800 mm X 600 mm on hill side and 975 mm X 600 mm on valley side. The hill side of the structure is a shear wall of 400 mm thickness and slab of 300 mm thickness, beam of 600 mm X 450 mm and Column of 600 mm X 600 mm. The shear wall based on design is deliberately kept away from the hill slope to accommodate the debris/shooting stones from the untreated areas of the slopes. The top slab/roof has a cushion layer of 1000 mm sand to absorb the impact of shooting stones. The structure is completely safe and intact for the last two monsoons and has become a safe passage for smooth flow of traffic.

The tunnel has been engineered with state-of-the-art technology and materials to ensure its durability and effectiveness in the face of potential challenges, such as landslides. We are dedicated to fostering a safer and more secure environment for all residents and visitors in the Uttarkashi region.

The tunnel stands as a secure passage, prioritizing the safety of travellers and providing a reliable and protected route through the fragile terrain.

NHIDCL’s commitment to safety is reflected in the design and construction of this tunnel, offering peace of mind for all those traversing the area. In fact, this unique structure needs to be replicated at similar sites where the entire slope treatment is economically not feasible.

Here are some photos and videos of the entire region and the activity carried out by NHIDCL.

We request the news channels to be factually aware before making unsubstantiated comments. Also, here are some links of the news of the same place available on You tube.

The structure is giving total protection to the tourist who has travelled underneath it and it has been praised time and again by the local population who are witness to the history of this difficult land slide zone. Here are some links bringing out the truth hosted on youtube: (between 20-21 minutes as seen above in the snapshot)

Also hosted by a vlogger showing the Uttarkashi Open Tunnel,
